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To start off my second day of Cannes Lions, I attended the BBDO seminar. Vice-President of Microsoft, Richard Dunmall, and Chief Marketing Officer of BBDO Worldwide, Simon Bond, spoke about how to make your next billion. It was interesting incorporating the information that we had read about BBDO in Adland with the information during the seminar. The agency's headquarters are located in New York City and focuses on the philosophy of "the Work encompasses every kind of creative content that can touch the consumer and reinforce the brand." 
Microsoft and BBDO researched in five countries that had not been as popular in the advertising world to look at how people relate to screens (as well as relating them to different Star Wars archtypes). A person's relationship with various screens are a platform of completely unconscious behaviors. The first was the television screen. They described it as a jester and the everyman, meaning it entertains and is a comfortable part of an every day routine. The next was PC, that was described as a sage or an older sibling with wisdom. An example of this was how the ATT World Cup interactive header game informed the participant. Described as a new lover, the mobile phone followed. We become obsessed with our phones (as the South Africans informed us the first day). The Nike app that tracks running distance was an example of the mobile relationship. After was the tablet, or the wizard. I enjoyed both of the speakers during this seminar as well as the visual design of the powerpoint. 

Kraft foods was interesting, but was not what I was expecting. Dana Anderson, SVP, Marketing Strategy and Communications for Kraft Foods introduced author Malcolm Gladwell. It might have been my jet lag or my short attention span for history, but I could not pay attention during his lecture. He analyzed the Middle Eastern War and proved the point that number three typically comes out strongest because of their ability to improve earlier experiences' mistakes. 

Mindscapes Workshop:
I attended my first workshop, Mindscapes, about how to sabotage one part of the advertising strategy unique creative strategies. Different strategies that were shown were MTV Australia youth mistrust advertising with Snoop Dogg, Gilette's India's stubble look, and Doritos bring slow dancing back. 

Microsoft Advertising speaker:
My favorite part of the day was venturing to the Microsoft Advertising Tent. The Global Creative Solutions showed a picture showcasing some of today's most relevant and inspiring artists that look like a giant collage of pictures. It allows a person to adventure through every tiny experience, leading to another. I think this would be valuable for different music festivals to look into for marketing strategies in the future. I wanted to steal the Microsoft surface Samsung SUR40. When I own a huge company one day and am famous, this will be extremely useful to use during meetings or practicing on clients. 

Promo & Activation Awards:
The Promo & Activation, PR and Direct Lions Awards looked like the Oscars! I left the list of my favorite campaigns upstairs; however, I remembered being fascinated with uncovering Jay-Z with Bing. The point was to reveal random parts of Jay-Z's autobiography on various objects that pertained to his life such as on plates where he dined with Bill Clinton. This would be interesting to come across as a person outside of the campaign, and resulted in a lot of buzz in the press.

Tomorrow, I plan to spend more time at the Google tent, and win foosball against Belgium advertisers tomorrow. I've learned not to get an espresso martini; they give you heart attacks.

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